Spring Round Up Banner

Copies of documents:
If you take pictures of your horse papers with your smartphone, then the print of it is not only very colorful, but the content may be also difficult to read, especially when printed on a black and white laser printer.

MyTip: There are scan apps for the mobile phone (for example, my favorite is "Camscanner" or "Adobe Scan")!
You can read the entry form or member cards clear and save it as legible pdf. Because the file is not so big, you can then send it by email or WhatsApp. This not only makes my job easier, but also saves you time and money in the registration office.
Consider this:  unreadable, and therefore unprocessed entrys will cause you to pay late entry fees, because we will have to process it in the show office! 


Bayern Paint Banner

 Western Pleasure or Ranch Riding / Ranch Pleasure? Trail or Ranch Trail? Or both?

For APHA tournaments, the following applies to ALL APHA classes:
The horses may be shown on the show EITHER in Western Pleasure Classes OR Ranch Riding or Ranch Pleasure Classes. This is clearly stated in rule book no. SC-301.E.2 & SC-302.C.1: No horse may enter into any other Western Pleasure Class at the same show (exception for zones 12-14, anywhere else Also, do not start in Hunter under Saddle classes when starting Ranch Pleasure / Riding).
The same applies to Trail and Ranch Trail, Reining and Ranch Reining and Working Cowhorse & Ranch Cowhorse. The whole also applies across divisions, i. When Mom launches Amateur Ranch Riding Daddy Is Not Allowed Open Western Pleasure!